Olivia picked 482 apples from the orchard’s largest apple tree. She divided the apples evenly into 4 bushel baskets. How many apples are in each

bushel? How many are left over?

Whats the second question answer. I’m stuck on it.

Another one:

2.Olivia picked 256 strawberries from the orchard’s fields. She divided the strawberries evenly into 6 baskets. How many strawberries are in each
basket? How many are left over?

A third one:

3. Olivia picked 1,006 blueberries from the orchard’s bushes. She divided them evenly into 8 baskets. How many are in each basket? How many are left

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For the first one, divide 482 by 4.
You should end up with an answer and a remainder.

How will you then answer the questions?

1. Olivia picked 482 apples from the orchard’s largest apple tree. She divided the apples evenly into 4 baskets. How many apples are in each basket? How many are left over?

2. Olivia picked 256 strawberries from the orchard’s fields. She divided the strawberries evenly into 6 baskets. How many strawberries are in each basket? How many are left over?

To find the number of apples in each bushel, we divide the total number of apples (482) by the number of bushel baskets (4).

To do this, we can use long division:

4 | 482
- 4
- 8

So, each bushel basket contains 120 apples.

To find the number of apples left over, we look at the remainder of the division. In this case, there are 2 apples remaining after dividing them equally into the 4 bushel baskets.

482 divided by 4 = 12 and 5 left over