what is an main idea when you are thalkig about king and poor people

What did you read? What do you think the main idea is?

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The main idea when discussing kings and poor people is the stark contrast between their social and economic statuses. The main idea usually refers to the central theme or key message of a piece of writing or discussion. In this case, it involves exploring and understanding the differences between the ruling class (represented by kings) and the economically disadvantaged (represented by poor people). To identify the main idea, you can follow these steps:

1. Read or listen carefully to the information about kings and poor people. Pay attention to any significant details and examples provided.

2. Identify the central theme or message that is being conveyed. In this case, it is likely to revolve around the disparities between the power, wealth, and social standing of kings compared to the struggles, hardships, and limited resources faced by poor people.

3. Look for repeated ideas or phrases that emphasize this contrast. These can be clues to the main idea of the discussion.

4. Consider the context and purpose of the conversation or text. This will help you grasp the intended focus or message.

Remember, understanding the main idea involves analyzing the information given and drawing conclusions based on the evidence provided.