Let’s consider there will be 5 delicious food available at your new restaurant which will open by the

end of 2016. To make the cashier's job easier, build a C++ console application to automate the process

of billing on a daily basis.

Specifically, the billing system must be able to perform the following tasks:

 The main menu should clearly display the name of your restaurant. Give a name for your


 Displays the list of food available, and allows the cashier to select the food ordered by the


 Calculates the total amount to be paid

 Prints the bill

You MUST implement classes and objects in your program. Other programming routines such as

input/output, functions, if/else statements, loops, arithmetic calculations or any other features which

are not taught in class can be used as well.

To automate the process of billing at your new restaurant using a C++ console application, you can create a program that incorporates classes and objects. Follow the steps below:

Step 1: Define the Restaurant Class
- Create a class called "Restaurant" that will represent your restaurant.
- Add a private member variable to store the restaurant name. You can initialize it during object construction.
- Include a public member function to display the restaurant name on the main menu.

Step 2: Define the Food Class
- Create a class called "Food" to represent each food item in your restaurant.
- Include private member variables such as the food name, price, and quantity ordered.
- Add public member functions to set and get the food details.

Step 3: Implement the Billing System
- In the main function, create an object of the Restaurant class and set the restaurant name.
- Initialize an array of Food objects, representing the 5 delicious food items available.
- Use loops to iterate over the array and display the food items along with their prices.
- Allow the cashier to select the food ordered by the customer. Store the details in the corresponding Food object.
- Calculate the total amount to be paid by summing up the individual food prices multiplied by the quantity ordered.
- Print the bill with the food details and the total amount.

Step 4: Repeat the Process
- Use loops to continue the billing process until the cashier chooses to quit.

By following these steps and incorporating appropriate programming techniques, you can build a C++ console application to automate the billing system at your restaurant. Remember to implement error handling and additional features as needed.