What is a 15% tip on a meal that costs $38.40

You guys its $5.76

please help i am struggling with math homework :)

Bruh. bruh. bruh...i need help on this question.

To calculate a 15% tip on a meal that costs $38.40, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert the percentage to decimal form by dividing it by 100.
15% = 15/100 = 0.15

Step 2: Multiply the decimal form of the percentage by the cost of the meal.
0.15 * $38.40 = $5.76

So, a 15% tip on a meal that costs $38.40 is $5.76.

It is equal to

0.15 * 38.4 = ?

Anothwr easy way to work with percentage is to take the decimal and move it over one to the left and that will give you 10%.

Since you 38.40 move the decimal over one to the left and you'll get 3.84. That is 10%, but since you need 15% divide 3.84 by two to get 5%- that is 1.92.
3.84 (10%) + 1.92 (5%) = 5.76 (15%)