What does Herodotus question about the Nile in this quote?

why it has its great floods
why it has no breezes blowing from it
why it has its towering forests
why it has its enormous length

I need help bad plz. I have tried looking in my text book and everything.

He questions why it floods, and why it is the only river with no breeze flowing through it

Since I can't see the quotation, I have no idea.


Herodotus, an ancient Greek historian often referred to as the "Father of History," expressed his curiosity and posed several questions about the Nile River. In the quote you provided, he asks four specific questions:

1. "Why it has its great floods": Herodotus wonders about the reasons behind the Nile's significant and regular flooding, which was a vital aspect of the river's ecosystem and agricultural productivity.

2. "Why it has no breezes blowing from it": Herodotus is puzzled by the absence of noticeable winds blowing from the direction of the Nile. This could refer to the lack of predictable wind patterns, which might have seemed peculiar to him.

3. "Why it has its towering forests": Herodotus questions the presence of tall and dense forests along the Nile's banks. This observation likely struck him as noteworthy due to the contrast with the arid landscapes commonly associated with ancient Egypt.

4. "Why it has its enormous length": Herodotus is intrigued by the impressive length of the Nile River, which stretches over 4,000 miles. He likely wondered about the factors that contributed to such a remarkable geographical feature.

To find more detailed information or answers to these questions, you can explore additional sources beyond your textbook. Consider using reputable historical references, academic databases, or online resources specifically dedicated to ancient history, geography, or Egyptology. These sources may provide extensive explanations and insights into Herodotus's inquiries about the Nile.

Its Its.......


Sorry i stutter :( But anyway Its Its.........C THE ANSWER IS IS IS C

Im srry it is B

Wow How did u not know that

how did you not know this, its easy!