Who thought that governments should be headed by philosopher-kings?



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The concept of philosopher-kings was proposed by the ancient Greek philosopher Plato in his famous work "The Republic." In this dialogue, Plato explores the nature of justice and the ideal form of government. According to Plato, philosopher-kings were the rulers who possessed both philosophical wisdom and intellectual insight, making them the most fit to govern. They were envisioned as having a deep understanding of truth, wisdom, and morality, allowing them to make decisions that would lead to the well-being of the society as a whole.

To learn about who thought that governments should be headed by philosopher-kings, one can refer to Plato's writings. Specifically, "The Republic" is the primary source where he discusses this concept in detail. It is recommended to read translated versions of Plato's "The Republic" or consult reputable philosophy textbooks that discuss his political philosophy. Online resources about the concept of philosopher-kings in ancient Greek philosophy can also be helpful for understanding the topic.