a car travels 480 miles in 8 hours. what is the unit rate

i think its 84 cause i do not care

oh okay thanks

wait a minute something ain't right


To calculate the unit rate, we need to determine the amount traveled per unit of time. In this case, since the car traveled 480 miles in 8 hours, the unit rate will be in miles per hour.

To find the unit rate, we divide the total distance traveled by the total time taken:
Unit Rate = Total Distance / Total Time

In this example:
Unit Rate = 480 miles / 8 hours

Simplifying the division:
Unit Rate = 60 miles per hour

Therefore, the unit rate of the car is 60 miles per hour.

Ms. sue in the other room there is a fight and they keep calling each other names I tried to tell them to stop but it didn't work so can you do something plz :(

480/8 = ______ mph