If 3 people worked and earned $5554.52 in one day. How much does each person earn if one worked for 5 hours, the other worked 7 and the other worked 8 hours?

5554.52/20 = 27.73 per hour

Multiply by the hours worked.

To find out how much each person earned, we need to divide the total earnings of $5554.52 by the total number of hours worked by all three people.

First, let's calculate the total number of hours worked by all three people: 5 hours + 7 hours + 8 hours = 20 hours.

Next, we divide the total earnings by the total number of hours: $5554.52 ÷ 20 hours = $277.73 per hour.

Now, we can multiply the hourly rate by the number of hours worked by each person to find out their individual earnings.

For the person who worked 5 hours: $277.73 × 5 hours = $1388.65 earned.

For the person who worked 7 hours: $277.73 × 7 hours = $1944.11 earned.

For the person who worked 8 hours: $277.73 × 8 hours = $2221.84 earned.

Therefore, each person earned the following amounts:
Person 1 (worked 5 hours): $1388.65.
Person 2 (worked 7 hours): $1944.11.
Person 3 (worked 8 hours): $2221.84.