The federal government sets requirements that all public schools must follow, while state governments set standards listing what students need to learn. This is an example of what constitutional system?

A. dual federalism
B. cooperative federalism
C. layered federalism
D. unitary federalism
My answer is D.

American government lesson 4 unit 8 Quiz:

1) B-common law
2)C- felony+D-misdemeanor
3)A-a grand jury
4)B- elastic
5)A-states rights
6)B-cooperative federalism
7)B- modern governors have much more authority.....
8)B- geographically based courts
9) *essay*

Is it dual federalism?

These are all correct! Thank you

Bekah's answers are correct also for the Unit 4 Lesson 4 State Legislatures quiz.

The correct answers are:

1.) C
2.) A
3.) C
4.) D
5.) A
6.) B
7.) A
8.) B

Are those correct?

I disagree.