which population and environmental issues are affecting the economy of Indonesia? 1) overcrowding and growing drought 2) declining population and air pollution 3) declining population and water pollution 4) overcrowding and destruction of rain forests

the answer is d

i would say 1

The population and environmental issues affecting the economy of Indonesia are:

1) Overcrowding and growing drought: As the population of Indonesia continues to increase, the demand for resources such as water and land also increase. Overcrowding puts a strain on infrastructure, services, and resources. Additionally, growing drought caused by climate change impacts water availability for both agriculture and industries, leading to decreased productivity, increased costs, and an overall negative impact on the economy.

To get the answer to this question, you can research and analyze the current population trends in Indonesia. Look for information on population growth rates, population density, and the impact of drought on the economy. Seek out reports, studies, and articles from reputable sources such as government publications, research institutions, and international organizations like the United Nations or World Bank.

2) Declining population and air pollution: A declining population can affect the economy in various ways, such as a reduced workforce and decreased consumer spending. However, air pollution continues to be a problem in Indonesia, primarily due to industrial activities, vehicle emissions, and traditional practices like burning waste and biomass. This pollution can have detrimental effects on public health, leading to increased healthcare costs and decreased productivity.

To find information on the declining population and air pollution in Indonesia, you can refer to demographic data and reports from the Indonesian government, international organizations, and academic publications. Look for statistics on population trends and projections, as well as studies and reports on air pollution levels, sources, and health impacts in different regions of the country.

3) Declining population and water pollution: Similar to the previous scenario, a declining population may have negative consequences for the economy, such as a reduced labor force and decreased domestic consumption. Water pollution is another environmental issue impacting Indonesia's economy. Industrial waste, agricultural runoff, and inadequate sewage treatment contribute to the pollution of lakes, rivers, and coastal areas. This pollution affects the availability of clean water for various sectors like agriculture, manufacturing, and tourism, leading to decreased productivity and increased costs.

To gain insights into the declining population and water pollution in Indonesia, you can access demographic data and reports from reputable sources like the Indonesian government, international organizations, and academic publications. Look for information on population trends, projections, and factors contributing to water pollution, such as industrial activities, agricultural practices, and sewage management.

4) Overcrowding and destruction of rainforests: Overcrowding in urban areas, coupled with deforestation and unsustainable practices, has contributed to the destruction of rainforests in Indonesia. The loss of forest cover has significant economic implications, as it affects sectors such as timber industry, agriculture, and tourism. Additionally, deforestation leads to habitat loss for endangered species, disrupts ecosystems, and contributes to climate change.

To understand the relationship between overcrowding and deforestation in Indonesia, you can refer to various sources such as satellite imagery, scientific studies, reports from environmental organizations, and government data. Look for information on forest cover, rates of deforestation, and the economic impact of deforestation on different sectors in Indonesia.

By conducting thorough research using reliable sources, you will be able to gain a comprehensive understanding of the population and environmental issues affecting the economy of Indonesia.

I'll be glad to check your answer.

I think 4

I agree, but 1 is also a possibility. Check your text.

i need a more exact answer not 4 is correct and 1 is correct