How is biodiversity related to human activities that use natural resources? 1) it decreases as humans use natural resources wisely 2) it increases as humans develop sustainable ways of using natural resources.

sorry I think 2


What is your choice?

Yes, 2.


Biodiversity is closely connected to human activities that use natural resources. The relationship between these two factors depends on how we manage and utilize these resources.

1) It decreases as humans use natural resources wisely:
When humans exploit natural resources without considering sustainable practices, it often leads to habitat destruction, pollution, and overconsumption. These activities can disrupt ecosystems and directly contribute to the decline of biodiversity. For example, deforestation for logging or agriculture can destroy habitats and threaten the survival of many plant and animal species.

2) It increases as humans develop sustainable ways of using natural resources:
When humans adopt sustainable practices in their use of natural resources, biodiversity can be positively impacted. Sustainable practices involve using resources in ways that do not deplete them or cause long-term harm to the environment. For instance, implementing responsible fishing practices can help protect marine biodiversity by maintaining fish populations and preserving habitats. Additionally, sustainable agriculture techniques, such as organic farming or agroforestry, can help conserve biodiversity by reducing chemical inputs and preserving natural habitats.

In summary, the relationship between biodiversity and human activities using natural resources can either be negative or positive, depending on how responsibly and sustainably these resources are managed. By making conscious choices to use resources wisely and adopting sustainable practices, we can contribute to the preservation and even enhancement of biodiversity.