FIND the sum and the average of marks of students given in 5 different subjects out of 100 by flowchart.

To find the sum and average of marks for 5 different subjects, you can create a flowchart with the following steps:

1. Start the flowchart.
2. Initialize a variable called "sum" to 0, and a variable called "count" to 5.
3. Start a loop that will iterate 5 times (once for each subject).
4. Inside the loop, ask the user to enter the marks for each subject.
5. Add the entered marks to the "sum" variable.
6. End the loop.
7. Calculate the average by dividing the sum by the number of subjects (5 in this case) and assign it to a variable called "average".
8. Print the sum and average on the output.
9. Stop the flowchart.

Based on this flowchart, you can implement the logic in any programming language of your choice. Here is a Python example:

# Initializing variables
sum = 0
count = 5

# Loop to input marks for each subject
for i in range(count):
marks = int(input("Enter marks for subject {}: ".format(i+1)))
sum += marks

# Calculating average
average = sum / count

# Printing the sum and average
print("Sum of marks:", sum)
print("Average of marks:", average)

This Python code will prompt the user to enter the marks for each subject and then calculate the sum and average accordingly.