a source of hydrogen is an important issue of hydrogen fuel cells are going to become useful in automobiles. What important perspective is missing?

One important perspective missing in the statement is the process of producing hydrogen itself. While hydrogen fuel cells offer a promising solution for clean energy in automobiles, the source of hydrogen must also be considered.

The two main methods of producing hydrogen are through reforming natural gas and electrolysis. Reforming natural gas involves extracting hydrogen from fossil fuels, which can release greenhouse gases and contribute to climate change if the process is not properly managed. On the other hand, electrolysis separates water into hydrogen and oxygen using electricity, often sourced from renewable energy.

By taking into account the source of hydrogen, we can ensure that hydrogen fuel cells offer a sustainable and environmentally-friendly solution for automobiles. Promoting the use of renewable energy for electrolysis and exploring alternative methods of hydrogen production, such as biomass or solar-powered electrolysis, are important considerations in the transition towards hydrogen-powered vehicles. This way, we can address the issue of reducing dependence on fossil fuels and achieving a truly sustainable transportation system.