Convert in improper fraction 6 5/12


What if change 6 5/12 to improper fraction?

To convert the mixed number 6 5/12 into an improper fraction, you need to first convert the whole number into a fraction and then add it to the given fractional part.

Step 1: Convert the whole number into a fraction
Since the whole number is 6, you can write it as 6/1.

Step 2: Add the whole number fraction to the fractional part
To add the whole number fraction to 5/12, you need to find a common denominator. In this case, the common denominator is 12.

Multiply the numerator and denominator of the whole number fraction (6/1) by 12:
6 * 12 = 72
1 * 12 = 12

Now you can add the numerator of the whole number fraction to the numerator of the given fractional part (5 + 72 = 77). Keep the denominator (12) the same.

The improper fraction is 77/12.

well, 6 = 72/12, so ...