9/12 divided by 1/3 is 2 1/4. How is this shown on an array?

To show the division of two fractions on an array, you can represent each fraction using squares or rectangles and then divide them accordingly. Here's how you can depict 9/12 divided by 1/3 on an array:

Step 1: Represent the first fraction (9/12):
- Draw a rectangle divided into 12 equal parts horizontally.
- Shade 9 of the 12 parts to represent 9/12.

Step 2: Represent the second fraction (1/3):
- Draw a rectangle divided into 3 equal parts vertically.
- Shade 1 of the 3 parts to represent 1/3.

Step 3: Divide the shaded area from the first step by the shaded area from the second step:
- Divide the rectangle representing 9/12 into 3 equal parts vertically.
- Shade 2 of the 3 parts to represent the answer of 2.

Step 4: Label the quotient:
- Since you shaded 2 out of the 3 parts, you can interpret it as the fraction 2/3.

Therefore, the result of 9/12 divided by 1/3 represented on an array is 2 2/3 (not 2 1/4 as mentioned in your question).