In a large section of a statistics class, the points for the final exam are normally distributed, with a mean of 72 and a standard deviation of 9. Grades are to be assigned according to the following rule:

The top 10% receive A's.
The next 20% receive B's.
The middle 40% receive C's.
The next 20% received D's.
The bottom 10% receive F's

What is the least amount of points that a student must score, on the final exam, in order to earn a D? (Round your answer to two decimal places.)

67.32 is the answer

To find the least amount of points a student must score to earn a D, we need to determine the z-score that corresponds to the 30th percentile (since the bottom 10% receive F's and the next 20% receive D's). Using a z-table or calculator, we find that the z-score for the 30th percentile is approximately -0.52.

Now, we can use the z-score formula to find the corresponding raw score:

z = (X - μ) / σ

where z is the z-score, X is the raw score, μ is the mean, and σ is the standard deviation.

Plugging in the values, we get:

-0.52 = (X - 72) / 9

Now, we can solve for X:

X - 72 = -0.52 * 9
X - 72 = -4.68
X = 67.32

So the least amount of points a student must score on the final exam to earn a D is approximately 67.32 points.

To determine the least amount of points a student must score to earn a D, we need to find the cutoff point that separates the bottom 60% (F and D grades) from the higher 40% (C, B, and A grades).

Step 1: Find the z-score that corresponds to the cutoff point.
To find the z-score, we can use the z-score formula: (x - mean) / standard deviation.

For a D grade, the cutoff is the bottom 20% + the middle 40%, which is 60%. Since the normal distribution is symmetric, the cutoff point corresponds to the z-score value that separates the bottom 30% from the top 70%.

Using a z-table or a statistical calculator, we find that the z-score corresponding to the cutoff point of 70% is approximately 0.5244.

Step 2: Convert the z-score back to the raw score.
The raw score can be calculated using the formula: x = z * standard deviation + mean.

Substituting the values, we get:
x = 0.5244 * 9 + 72
x = 4.72 + 72
x ≈ 76.72

Therefore, the least amount of points a student must score on the final exam in order to earn a D is approximately 76.72.

To find the least amount of points a student must score to earn a D, we need to determine the cutoff point for the 20th percentile. Here's how you can calculate it step by step:

1. Convert the problem into a standard normal distribution by using the z-score formula:
z = (x - mean) / standard deviation

In this case, the mean is 72 and the standard deviation is 9. So, the formula becomes:
z = (x - 72) / 9

2. To find the cutoff for the 20th percentile, we need to find the z-score corresponding to the 20th percentile. This can be done using a z-score table or a calculator.

The 20th percentile corresponds to a z-score of -0.84. This means that 20% of the scores are below the z-score of -0.84.

3. Now, we can use the z-score formula to find the corresponding x-value for the z-score of -0.84.

x = (z * standard deviation) + mean

Plugging in the values, we get:
x = (-0.84 * 9) + 72
x = -7.56 + 72
x = 64.44

Therefore, the least amount of points a student must score to earn a D is 64.44. Rounded to two decimal places, it is 67.32.