Elizabeth has 1 7/10 as many as Rosalie has in her garden. If Elizabeth has 51 plants how many plants does Rosalie have in her garden?

Please explain step by step on how you answered this and also no links or anything please just a raw answer thanks in advance :).

1 7/10 = 17/10

"as many" suggests multiplication
e.g. bill eats 3 times as many donuts as Bob
if Bob eats 4 donuts, then Bill would eat 3*4 or 12 donuts

so Elizabeth has (17/10) as many as Rosalie.
let Rosalie's number of plants be x
(17/10)x = 51 ----> notice the multiplication
How do we get x alone?
let's multiply both sides by the reciprocal.
(10/17)(17/10)x = (10/17)(51)
x = 30
Rosalie has 30 plants.

Rosalie has 30 plants.
Elizabeth has 17/10 times as many
(17/10)(30) = 51

1 7/10 can be rewritten as 1.7

51 / 1.7 = 30 plants.

Rosalie has 30 plants.

Thanks Reiny it really helped

You can also divide 51 and 17/10 to get the answer. If x times 17/10 equals 51 and you are trying to find out what x is, then you should divide the sum (51) with the number you already know (17/10).

Guys I love all of you and would love to help you but every time I help one of you and don't give the answer, I get death threats. Someone even told me that they would come to my house and kill my family. I am new here and just want to help kids whom are struggling with school get the understanding of the problem. Guys, please be nice. I am a mother of 3 (two are twins) and they all haven't got to see what a beautiful place the world is. They are only 3 and 4 years old. Yes i know, I'm an adult and I shouldn't be scared of a threat but you don't tell a mother that their baby's should burn!! so guys I think I'm going to quit. Now the next thing is please don't be asking for the answers. What you should be doing is asking for help. I will give you a step by step process on how to do it. its fairly easy just ask me if you need help. You wont be able to cheat when you are in Jonesboro taking the big test. but please, take my word and stop the death threats. i love all of you and I'm here to just this once last time. 😢😢

Thank you Reiny and everyone else! Have a good day everyone!!

30 plants jit

Someone PLEASE answer

Thank you Reiny! You really helped me understand the problem!
