Wanjiku spent ¼ of his net January salary on school fees. He spent ¼ of the remainder on electricity and water bills. He then spent 1/9 of what was left on the transport. If finally had sh. 3,400, what was his January salary?

Salary = $X.

X-x/4 = 3x/4.

3x/4-(1/4)3x/4 = 3x/4-3x/16 = 12x/16-3x/16 = 9x/16.

9x/16-(1/9)9x/16 = 9x/16-x/16 = 8x/16 = x/2.

x/2 = 3400, X = $6800.


To find Wanjiku's January salary, we can work backward from the amount he has left after all the expenses.

Let's start with the amount he had left after spending on transportation, which is sh. 3,400. This amount represents 8/9 of what was left after paying for electricity and water bills.

To find the amount before transportation expenses, we can divide sh. 3,400 by 8/9:
Amount before transportation = (sh. 3,400)/(8/9) = sh. 3,400 x (9/8) = sh. 3,825

Now, we need to find the amount Wanjiku had before paying for electricity and water bills. This amount represents 3/4 of what was left after paying for school fees.

So, the amount before electricity and water bills = (sh. 3,825)/(3/4) = sh. 3,825 x (4/3) = sh. 5,100

Therefore, Wanjiku's net January salary was sh. 5,100.