In a survey, one out of three people named blue as their favorite color. Two out of seven named red. If 1,092 people were included in the survey, how many named neither blue nor red as their favorite color?

416 people

432 people

540 people

512 people

K, so it's 416.3796, in other words 416?


1 - 0.6187 0.3813

1,092 * 0.3813 = ?


To find the number of people who named neither blue nor red as their favorite color, we first need to calculate the number of people who named blue or red.

In the survey, one out of three people named blue as their favorite color. Therefore, the number of people who named blue is 1/3 * 1092 = 364.

Similarly, two out of seven people named red as their favorite color. Therefore, the number of people who named red is 2/7 * 1092 = 312.

To find the number of people who named neither blue nor red, subtract the sum of those who named blue and red from the total number of people surveyed: 1092 - (364 + 312) = 416.

Therefore, the correct answer is 416 people.