Any tips for drawing life like??

Use reference for starters. Watch drawing tutorials. Research.

And most of all, practice.

Hi Katiy,

I am an artist myself and have some tips for you. First off, figure out what relaxes you. For me it is classical music. Listen to it for a bit and continue to listen to it as you draw. Dont concentrate on it to much, if you get fustrated, stop and come back to it. Draw lightly, i recomend a 6b pencil. HAve a picture you want to draw and try to draw it, dont just draw from your mind. Look closly at the shapes in your picture and draw what you see. Also forget what your drawing and just relax and draw what you see. If you have difficulty with that, try drawing it upside down and flipping it over once your done. Youll be surprised at what you have done! If your drawing something extremly detailed, dont sit there and draw every single detail. It will just fustrate you and it wont turn out nicely. Instead, try different attemps to try and create the suggestion of the details. For example, feathers on a Red Tailed Hawk, dont draw every feather, draw some of them and maybe try and shade it to look full. Also youtube can help alot. Sorry this was long!!! I hope i helped you.

Certainly! Drawing lifelike can be challenging, but with some practice and the right approach, you can improve your skills. Here are some tips:

1. Observation: Observe your subject carefully, whether it's a human figure, an animal, or an object. Pay attention to details like proportions, shapes, textures, and lighting. Take time to study and understand the subject's features.

2. Start with basic shapes: Break down the subject into simple shapes like circles, ovals, squares, and triangles. This will help you establish the overall structure and proportions before adding finer details.

3. Proportions: Focus on getting the proportions right. Pay attention to the relationships between different parts of the subject. For example, the size and position of the eyes in relation to the nose and mouth.

4. Value and shading: Pay attention to the values (lights and darks) and shading of your subject. Observe how light falls on different surfaces and how it creates shadows and highlights. Gradually build up the shading to create depth and form.

5. Details: Start with the major details and then gradually work towards smaller ones. Avoid diving straight into intricate details, as it can be easy to lose sight of the overall accuracy and form.

6. Use references: References are incredibly helpful when aiming for realism. Use photographs, real-life objects, or even mirrors to understand how light and shadows interact with your subject.

7. Practice, practice, practice: Drawing realistically takes time and practice. Set aside regular practice sessions and challenge yourself with different subjects and techniques. Consistency and patience will lead to improvement over time.

Remember, don't be too hard on yourself. It takes time to develop your skills, so enjoy the process and embrace the learning journey.