Is ΔCP for the reaction > 0 or < 0? Would an atmosphere of 20% carbon dioxide, 5% carbon monoxide, and 75% nitrogen oxidize nickel at 1000K? It is given that ΔG° = -66.62 KJ/mol, ΔH° = -48.93 kJ/mol, and ΔS = 17.69 J/ mol K

To determine if ΔCP for the reaction is greater than zero (> 0) or less than zero (< 0), we need to consider the relation between ΔG° and ΔH°.

The relation is given by the equation: ΔG° = ΔH° - TΔS, where T is the temperature in Kelvin.

If ΔG° is negative and ΔH° is positive, then TΔS must be greater than ΔH°, resulting in a negative ΔCP (< 0).

Now, let's move on to the second part of the question. To determine if the atmosphere of 20% carbon dioxide, 5% carbon monoxide, and 75% nitrogen can oxidize nickel at 1000K, we need to calculate ΔG at the given conditions.

We can use the equation: ΔG = ΔG° + RT ln(Q), where R is the gas constant (8.314 J/mol K), and Q is the reaction quotient.

First, we need to calculate the reaction quotient Q by taking the ratio of the products raised to their stoichiometric coefficients divided by the reactants raised to their respective stoichiometric coefficients. However, you have not provided the balanced chemical equation, so we are unable to calculate Q or proceed further.

To determine if Nickel (Ni) will oxidize in the given atmosphere, we need the balanced chemical equation for the reaction between Nickel and the gases present. Once we have the equation, we can calculate ΔG and compare it with the given value to determine if the reaction is spontaneous (ΔG < 0) or non-spontaneous (ΔG > 0).