Solve the proportion using cross products. 8/20 = k/110

Am I correct?

To solve the proportion using cross products, you need to cross-multiply the fractions.

The proportion is 8/20 = k/110.

Cross-multiplying means multiplying the numerator of the left fraction by the denominator of the right fraction, and multiplying the numerator of the right fraction by the denominator of the left fraction.

So, (8 * 110) = (20 * k).

Simplifying, we have 880 = 20k.

To solve for k, divide both sides of the equation by 20.

880 ÷ 20 = k.

Simplifying, k = 44.

Therefore, the value of k is 44.

Looking at the answer choices, none of them are equal to 44, so none of the options (A), (B), (C), or (D) are correct in this case.

k = 8*110/20 = 44

I suspect a typo somewhere.