consider your sitting in a chair inside the living room on a leveled floor.if you are at the origin what will be the position vector of spider on any of wall

To determine the position vector of the spider on any of the walls, we need to know the dimensions of the living room and the orientation of the walls. Typically, a position vector is written in terms of Cartesian coordinates, with the origin (0,0,0) being the starting point.

Let's assume that the living room has a length L, a width W, and a height H. If you are sitting at the origin, the position vector of the spider on any of the walls can be described as follows:

- If the spider is on the back wall (parallel to the x-axis), the position vector would be (L, y, z), where y and z are the spider's height and distance from the ground, respectively.
- If the spider is on the side wall (parallel to the y-axis), the position vector would be (x, W, z), where x and z are the spider's horizontal position and distance from the ground, respectively.
- If the spider is on the floor (parallel to the z-axis), the position vector would be (x, y, 0), where x and y are the spider's horizontal and vertical positions, respectively.

Please note that if you provide specific values for the dimensions of the living room or any other relevant information, I can provide a more precise position vector for the spider on any of the walls.