What should Edna do to solve for m in the equation?

65 = m + 29

A) add 29 to each side
B) add 29 to the left side
C) subtract 29 from the right side
D) subtract 29 from each side

To solve for m in the equation 65 = m + 29, Edna needs to isolate the variable m on one side of the equation.

Here's how Edna can do that:

Step 1: Start with the equation 65 = m + 29.

Step 2: To isolate the term with m, she needs to get rid of the 29 that is added to m. To do that, Edna can either subtract 29 from each side of the equation or add -29 to each side of the equation. Both methods will give the same result.

Step 3: Let's go through each option:

A) Adding 29 to each side:
If Edna adds 29 to each side of the equation, she will have:
65 + 29 = m + 29 + 29
Simplifying both sides:
94 = m + 58

This is not the correct approach because it does not isolate m on one side of the equation.

B) Adding 29 to the left side:
If Edna adds 29 only to the left side of the equation, she will have:
65 + 29 = m + 29
Simplifying both sides:
94 = m + 29

This is also not the correct approach because it does not isolate m on one side of the equation.

C) Subtracting 29 from the right side:
If Edna subtracts 29 from the right side of the equation, she will have:
65 = m + 29 - 29
Simplifying the right side:
65 = m

This approach is correct because it isolates the variable m on one side of the equation, resulting in m = 65.

D) Subtracting 29 from both sides:
If Edna subtracts 29 from both sides of the equation, she will have:
65 - 29 = m + 29 - 29
Simplifying both sides:
36 = m

This approach is also correct because it isolates the variable m on one side of the equation, resulting in m = 36.

Therefore, Edna should choose either option C) subtract 29 from the right side or option D) subtract 29 from each side to solve for m in the equation.