It costs $20 plus $1.50 per hour to rent a golf cart.

Find an equation showing the relationship between the cost of renting a cart (y) and the number of hours it was rented (x)????
Plz I really don't understand this

20 + 1.50x = y

Does that help -- or are you still confused?

Ok so I know I have too 20-1.50x= 18.50x=y what do I do next?


You can't find y until you know the number of hours.

a rental companycharges a $45 membership fee,and $10 per hour to rent a car . write a linear function to model the relationship between the toatl cost and the numberof hours a car is rented


To find the equation showing the relationship between the cost of renting a cart (y) and the number of hours it was rented (x), we need to understand the given information.

We know that it costs $20 plus $1.50 per hour. This means that there is a constant cost of $20, regardless of the number of hours rented, and an additional cost of $1.50 for each hour rented.

To represent this relationship mathematically, we can use the equation:

y = 20 + 1.50x

In this equation, "y" represents the cost of renting a cart, and "x" represents the number of hours it was rented. The constant term of 20 accounts for the basic rental cost, and the term 1.50x represents the additional cost per hour based on the number of hours rented.

So, to calculate the cost of renting a cart, substitute the number of hours (x) into the equation, and solve for y.

Thank you that help