The track at Bronwyn's school is 1/4 mile around.If she can do 3 laps in 4 1/2 minutes,how fast is she running in miles per hour

(3 * 1/4 mi) / (4.5min) * 60min/hr = 10 mi/hr

To determine Bronwyn's speed in miles per hour, you need to convert the time and distance given to the same units. In this case, we need to convert the 4 1/2 minutes into hours.

To convert minutes to hours, divide the number of minutes by 60 (since there are 60 minutes in an hour):
4 1/2 minutes = 4.5 minutes

Next, we need to calculate the total distance Bronwyn covered in miles. Since the track is 1/4 mile around, each lap is 1/4 mile, and she does 3 laps:
Total distance = 1/4 mile/lap * 3 laps = 3/4 mile

Now that we have both the time and distance in the same units, we can calculate her speed. Speed is defined as distance divided by time:
Speed = Distance / Time

Speed = (3/4 mile) / (4.5 minutes / 60 minutes per hour)

Divide the distance by the time, and multiply by 60 to convert the speed to miles per hour:

Speed = (3/4 mile) / (4.5 minutes / 60 minutes per hour)
= (3/4 mile) * (60 minutes per hour / 4.5 minutes)
= (3/4 mile) * (60/4.5) miles per hour
≈ 8 miles per hour

Therefore, Bronwyn is running at a speed of approximately 8 miles per hour.