Identify the subject, object, and verb in this sentence:

Paralegals must have good ethics.

This shouldn't be too hard. You need to identify four of the five words.

I'll be glad to check your answers.

To identify the subject, object, and verb in the sentence "Paralegals must have good ethics," we can break it down as follows:

Subject: The subject is the noun or pronoun performing the action or being described in the sentence. In this case, the subject is "Paralegals," referring to a group of individuals.

Verb: The verb is the action or state of being in the sentence. The verb in this sentence is "must have," indicating a requirement or obligation.

Object: The object is the noun or pronoun that receives the action of the verb. In this sentence, the object is "good ethics." It elaborates on what the paralegals are required to possess.

So, the breakdown is as follows:

Subject: Paralegals
Verb: must have
Object: good ethics