Mr cruz finds that he can travel 12 km per liter of gasoline. After the tune up of his engine, he uses only 4/5 as much gasoline. how much farther in km can he now ride on one liter of gasoline?

4/5 as much gas means 5/4 as much distance

Well, after the tune-up, Mr. Cruz will be able to ride even farther, because his car is now supercharged with extra horsepower and unicorn magic! Now, instead of 12 km per liter, he can travel approximately 15 km per liter, because why not? Who needs math when you have unicorns? So, he can ride about 3 km farther on one liter of gasoline. And those 3 km may not sound like much, but hey, it's still better than walking, right?

To find out how much farther Mr. Cruz can now ride on one liter of gasoline, we need to calculate the new fuel efficiency after the tune-up.

Let's start by finding out how much gasoline Mr. Cruz used before the tune-up. We'll divide the distance traveled by the fuel efficiency:

Gasoline used before the tune-up = Distance / Fuel efficiency before the tune-up

Gasoline used before the tune-up = 1 liter

Therefore, the distance traveled before the tune-up = Fuel efficiency before the tune-up.

The new fuel efficiency after the tune-up is 4/5 times the previous efficiency:

Fuel efficiency after the tune-up = (4/5) * Fuel efficiency before the tune-up

Fuel efficiency after the tune-up = (4/5) * 12 km/l

Fuel efficiency after the tune-up = 48/5 km/l

Now we can find out how much farther Mr. Cruz can ride on one liter of gasoline after the tune-up:

Distance traveled after the tune-up = Fuel efficiency after the tune-up

Distance traveled after the tune-up = 48/5 km

Therefore, Mr. Cruz can now ride 48/5 km on one liter of gasoline after the tune-up.

To find out how much farther Mr. Cruz can now ride on one liter of gasoline after the tune-up, we need to calculate the new distance he can travel per liter.

Let's start by finding the distance Mr. Cruz can travel using the previous fuel efficiency. We know that he could travel 12 km per liter of gasoline.

Now, after the tune-up, he uses only 4/5 as much gasoline. This means he can now travel 4/5 * 12 km on one liter.

To calculate this, we'll multiply 4/5 by 12:
(4/5) * 12 = 48/5 = 9.6 km

Therefore, Mr. Cruz can now ride approximately 9.6 km farther on one liter of gasoline after the tune-up.