How long will it take a motor with an output power of 4000 W to lift a 250 kg container vertically upwards 25 m?�

how would u do the calculation?

To calculate the time it would take for the motor to lift the container, you can use the formula:

Time = Work / Power

First, we need to determine the work done in lifting the container. The work done is equal to the product of the force applied and the distance over which the force is exerted.

Work = Force × Distance

The force required to lift the container can be found using the formula:

Force = mass × acceleration due to gravity

So, the force is given by:

Force = 250 kg × 9.8 m/s² (acceleration due to gravity)

Next, substitute the values into the equation to calculate the force required.

Now, we can calculate the work done:

Work = Force × Distance

Finally, substitute the values into the time formula to calculate the time it takes to lift the container:

Time = Work / Power

Let's plug in the values and calculate the result:

Force = 250 kg × 9.8 m/s² = 2450 N
Work = 2450 N × 25 m = 61,250 J
Power = 4000 W

Time = 61,250 J / 4000 W

By dividing the work (in joules) by the power (in watts), we find the time in seconds.

W = J/S = N-m/s

So, in t seconds,

250*9.8*25/t = 4000