Write a program to compute discount percentage given the marked price and selling price. the user inputs marked and selling price using keyboard

Is there something you don't understand about this assignment? We will not be writing the program for you, ever.

To write a program in Python that computes the discount percentage given the marked price and selling price, you can follow the steps below:

1. Prompt the user to input the marked price.
2. Prompt the user to input the selling price.
3. Calculate the discount amount by subtracting the selling price from the marked price.
4. Calculate the discount percentage by dividing the discount amount by the marked price and multiplying by 100.
5. Print the discount percentage to the console.

Here's the code:

# Prompt the user to input the marked price and selling price
marked_price = float(input("Enter the marked price: "))
selling_price = float(input("Enter the selling price: "))

# Calculate the discount amount
discount_amount = marked_price - selling_price

# Calculate the discount percentage
discount_percentage = (discount_amount / marked_price) * 100

# Print the discount percentage
print("The discount percentage is:", discount_percentage)

By running this program and providing the marked price and selling price as inputs, you will get the discount percentage as the output.