one way the modern atomic model differs from the bohr model of an atom

electron clouds, rather than actual orbits.

The modern atomic model differs from the Bohr model in several ways:

1. Quantum mechanics: The modern atomic model is based on the principles of quantum mechanics, whereas the Bohr model is based on classical physics. Quantum mechanics describes the behavior of particles at the atomic and subatomic levels, and it allows for the existence of wave-particle duality, uncertainty, and superposition.

2. Electron probability: In the Bohr model, electrons were assumed to orbit the nucleus in fixed, circular pathways. In the modern atomic model, electrons are described by their probability distribution or electron cloud. The electron cloud represents the regions in space where an electron is likely to be found.

3. Energy levels and orbitals: The Bohr model suggested that electrons exist in fixed energy levels, corresponding to specific orbits around the nucleus. In the modern atomic model, electrons exist in discrete energy levels, but these levels are further divided into sublevels called orbitals. Each orbital has a specific shape, and within each orbital, electrons are described by their spin.

4. Uncertainty principle: The Bohr model treated electrons as particles with definite positions and velocities, while the modern atomic model recognizes that the position and momentum of an electron cannot be simultaneously known with certainty. This is known as Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, a fundamental principle in quantum mechanics.

To understand the differences between the modern atomic model and the Bohr model, you can explore the concepts of quantum mechanics, electron probability, energy levels and orbitals, and the uncertainty principle. Studying these principles and their experimental evidence will provide a deeper understanding of the modern atomic model.