john will other score 10/10 on the assignment or he will not

This claim is acceptable by observation, could we also say that it is unacceptable by problems in language (vagueness).

Or is there any other way it is unacceptable

john will either not other..... sorry about the typo.

I know the claim is acceptable by observation i just want to know if it is unacceptable by any way or no.

I think it's acceptable.

The claim "John will score 10/10 on the assignment or he will not" can be interpreted as a binary statement, meaning that it only has two possible outcomes: either John will score a perfect 10 or he will not. Since this claim is based on observation, it can be considered acceptable if it aligns with the evidence or previous knowledge about John's performance.

However, there are a few reasons why this claim could also be seen as unacceptable or problematic due to vagueness in language:

1. Lack of specific criteria: The claim does not provide any information about the assignment's requirements or the grading criteria. Different assignments can have different expectations, so it's important to define what "scoring 10/10" means in this context.

2. Unclear time frame: The claim does not specify when this assignment is due or when it will be graded. It's possible that John may have scored less than 10/10 initially but improved upon revision or through feedback from the instructor.

3. Absence of contextual information: The claim does not consider external factors that may influence John's performance. For example, his personal circumstances, distractions, or other commitments could impact his ability to score 10/10.

4. Subject to interpretation: The claim could be interpreted differently by different individuals. For some, 10/10 might be considered perfect, while others might consider it an unrealistic expectation. This lack of clarity can make the claim subjective and open to different interpretations.

In summary, while the claim may be acceptable based on observation, it can be seen as unacceptable due to vagueness and the potential for multiple interpretations.