a cat on seeing a dog 100 m away turns around and start running away at 24 kmph. the dog spots him one minute later and start chasing the cat at a speed of 33 kmph. after how much time from the start of the cat's run will the chase end

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To find out how much time it will take for the chase to end, we need to calculate the time it takes for the dog to catch up with the cat.

First, let's convert the speeds to meters per second for consistency.

The cat's speed is 24 kmph, which is equivalent to 24,000 meters/60 minutes = 400 meters per minute = 400/60 = 6.67 meters per second.

The dog's speed is 33 kmph, which is equivalent to 33,000 meters/60 minutes = 550 meters per minute = 550/60 = 9.17 meters per second.

Now, we know that the cat ran for 1 minute before the dog started chasing. Therefore, the cat has a head start of 6.67 meters/second * 1 minute = 6.67 meters.

To catch up to the cat, the dog needs to travel the initial 100 meters plus the 6.67 meters head start, which is 106.67 meters.

Now we can calculate the time it takes for the dog to catch up:

Time = Distance / Speed

Time = 106.67 meters / 9.17 meters/second = 11.63 seconds

So, it will take approximately 11.63 seconds from the start of the cat's run for the chase to end.