Can someone who is fluent in french look over this and make sure it makes sense?

Ma maison de rêve est à Paris. Il a le sous-sol, le rez-de-chaussée, et le premier étage. Il a la cuisine, la salle à manger, la salle de séjour, trois la chambre, et deux la salle de bains. Chez moi, je faire le jardinage et faire la cuisine.

Thank you

I'll send this to our French expert, SraJMcGin.

trois chambres (3 rooms) , et deux salles de bains. (2 bathrooms) Chez moi, je fais le jardinage et la cuisine. (If you simplify what you are saying, it will be far easier and "flow" better in French.

Sra (aka Mme)

To ensure that your text makes sense and is grammatically correct, you can follow these steps:

1. Use an online translator: Copy and paste your text into a reliable online translator, such as Google Translate or DeepL. These tools can provide a quick understanding of the text's meaning and check for any obvious errors.

2. Consult a native or fluent French speaker: Ask someone who is fluent in French, such as a friend, colleague, or language tutor, to review your text for accuracy. They can identify any errors or suggest improvements based on their expertise.

3. Use language learning platforms: Utilize language learning platforms like iTalki, HelloTalk, or Tandem to connect with native speakers who can help you review and improve your French writing.

4. Join language exchange communities: Join online communities or forums where language learners and native speakers interact. Platforms like Duolingo, Reddit, or language-specific forums can provide opportunities to receive feedback on your writing from French speakers.

By combining these resources and strategies, you can get your text reviewed by a French speaker to ensure accuracy and coherency.