The population of Greenville is approximately 75 times the population of Fairview. There are 3.75*10^5 people living in Greenville. Approximately how many people are living in Fair view?

Greenview population:*10%5E5+

Divide that by 75 to find the population of Fairview.

To find the approximate population of Fairview, we need to divide the population of Greenville by the given ratio of 75.

First, let's calculate the population of Fairview:

Population of Fairview = Population of Greenville / Ratio

Population of Fairview = (3.75 * 10^5) / 75

To divide by 75, we can simplify this equation by dividing both the numerator and the denominator by 75:

Population of Fairview = (3.75 * 10^5) / (75 * 1)

Simplifying further:

Population of Fairview = 3.75 * 10^5 / 75

To divide 3.75 * 10^5 by 75, we can divide the numbers and keep the powers of 10 separate:

Population of Fairview = (3.75 / 75) * 10^5

Population of Fairview = 0.05 * 10^5

Finally, by multiplying 0.05 by 10^5, we can simplify the expression:

Population of Fairview = 0.05 * 10^5 = 0.05 x 100,000 = 5,000

Therefore, approximately 5,000 people are living in Fairview.