Why are values such as respect & understanding important in contemporary society?

I'll be glad to critique your answer.

because without these values, life would be chaos

That's a good start.

Society -- now and always -- depends upon people trusting and respecting each other. Not only does it benefit society, but it benefits the individuals who learn from other peoples.

Values such as respect and understanding are important in contemporary society for several reasons. They foster positive relationships, promote social cohesion, and ensure the well-being of individuals and communities. Here's how you can understand their importance:

1. Respect: Respect involves recognizing the inherent worth and dignity of every individual. It is essential in contemporary society because:
a. Promotes inclusivity: Respect encourages individuals to value diversity, accept various perspectives, and appreciate different cultural backgrounds. This creates a sense of belonging and inclusivity within society.
b. Facilitates cooperation: When people treat each other with respect, it allows for open communication, cooperation, and collaboration. It promotes a harmonious environment where individuals can work together to achieve common goals.
c. Reduces conflicts: Respectful behavior reduces the likelihood of conflicts and helps in resolving disagreements peacefully. It enables individuals to listen to others' opinions and find common ground, fostering understanding and compromise.

2. Understanding: Understanding refers to empathizing with others, being aware of different experiences and viewpoints, and seeking knowledge. It is crucial in contemporary society because:
a. Fosters empathy and compassion: Understanding promotes empathy by encouraging individuals to look beyond their own experiences and perspectives. It helps create a more compassionate society where people care for each other and support one another.
b. Enhances communication: When people strive to understand each other, it improves communication and encourages active listening. This leads to clearer and more effective communication, reducing misunderstandings and conflicts.
c. Builds bridges and encourages dialogue: Understanding different perspectives and experiences helps bridge divides within society. It encourages dialogue, facilitates learning from each other, and enables the exchange of ideas and knowledge.

To summarize, respect and understanding are essential in contemporary society as they contribute to inclusivity, cooperation, conflict resolution, empathy, effective communication, and building bridges within diverse communities.