pseudocode in vb how to calculate toll fees and print out the receipt and change, writing in a pseudocode

Here's an example of pseudocode in VB that calculates toll fees and prints out the receipt and change:

Declare variables:
- vehicleType (string): Represents the type of the vehicle
- distance (real number): Represents the distance traveled
- tollFee (real number): Stores the calculated toll fee
- payment (real number): Represents the amount received from the driver
- change (real number): Stores the calculated change to be returned

Prompt the user for vehicle type:
- Read the value for vehicleType from the user

Prompt the user for distance:
- Read the value for distance from the user

// Calculate toll fee based on vehicle type and distance
If vehicleType equals "Car" or vehicleType equals "Motorbike" then
Set tollFee to distance multiplied by 0.1
Else if vehicleType equals "Truck" then
Set tollFee to distance multiplied by 0.2
Else if vehicleType equals "Bus" then
Set tollFee to distance multiplied by 0.15
Display an error message and abort
End if

Print receipt:
Display "Receipt"
Display "Vehicle Type: " concatenated with vehicleType
Display "Distance: " concatenated with distance
Display "Total Toll Fee: " concatenated with tollFee

Prompt the user for payment:
- Read the value for payment from the user

// Calculate and display the change to be returned
Set change to payment minus tollFee
Display "Change: " concatenated with change

Please note that this is just pseudocode meant to resemble the structure of VB code. You would need to implement this logic using proper VB syntax and customize it according to your specific requirements.