Candice wants to buy a sweatshirt that costs $39. She also wants some T-shirts that are on sale for $16 each. She has $150. Write an inequality to find how many T-shirts she can buy.

I think it is 39 + 16t = 150

Thank you.

That's write -- except you posted an equation, not an inequality.

To write an inequality to find out how many T-shirts Candice can buy, we need to consider that the cost of the sweatshirt, $39, will be subtracted from her total budget of $150. The remaining amount can then be divided by the cost of each T-shirt, which is $16. This will give us the number of T-shirts she can afford to buy.

Therefore, the inequality can be written as:

16t ≤ 150 - 39

Simplifying further:

16t ≤ 111

So, the correct inequality to find how many T-shirts Candice can buy is:

16t ≤ 111