The point C(4 , -2 ) , D(2,1) and E(-1,-1) are translated onto C' and D' and E' by the vector <-1,4> find the coordinates of C' D' and E'

To find the coordinates of C', D', and E' after translating them by the vector <-1,4>, you can apply the vector translation formula:

C' = C + <-1,4>
D' = D + <-1,4>
E' = E + <-1,4>

Let's calculate the coordinates for each point:

For point C:
C' = C + <-1,4> = (4, -2) + (-1, 4) = (4 + (-1), -2 + 4) = (3, 2)

Therefore, the coordinates for C' are (3, 2).

For point D:
D' = D + <-1,4> = (2, 1) + (-1, 4) = (2 + (-1), 1 + 4) = (1, 5)

Therefore, the coordinates for D' are (1, 5).

For point E:
E' = E + <-1,4> = (-1, -1) + (-1, 4) = (-1 + (-1), -1 + 4) = (-2, 3)

Therefore, the coordinates for E' are (-2, 3).

In conclusion, the coordinates for C', D', and E' after translating them by the vector <-1,4> are (3, 2), (1, 5), and (-2, 3) respectively.