Find the value of K so that x^2-5x+k=0 has one root equal to 4.

No idea

Recall that for


the product of the roots is c.

If the other root is m, then

4m = k
4+m = 5

Looks like m=1, so k=4

x^2-5x+4 = (x-4)(x-1)


To find the value of K, we can use the fact that if a quadratic equation has one root equal to a given value, then that value must satisfy the equation.

So, we substitute the given root, x = 4, into the quadratic equation x^2 - 5x + k = 0:

(4)^2 - 5(4) + k = 0

16 - 20 + k = 0

-4 + k = 0

k = 4

Therefore, the value of K that satisfies the quadratic equation x^2 - 5x + k = 0 and has one root equal to 4 is K = 4.