You must scuba dive to the entrance

of your room at Jules’ Undersea Lodge in Key Largo, Florida.
The diver is 1 foot deeper than 2/3
of the elevation of the entrance.
What is the elevation of the entrance?


The answer should be -21, have fun! Wait... this is math, no fun here! JK


It's -21 cause maths

2/3 rd of elevation = -15 foot + 1 feet

2/3e = -14 (e - elevation)
e = -14 ÷ 2/3
e = -21 foot
i.e ) The elevation of the entrance is -21 feet

Since the entrance is -15 feet and the diver is 1 foot deeper than 2/3 of the elevation, you will have to divide 2/3 by -15 which is -22 1/2 and since the diver is 1 foot deeper you subtract 1 from -22 1/2 which is -23 1/2.

p.s i am a child you have to double check with your teacher . i am also having trouble with this question but i tried to help.



