If Indianapolis to Bloomington is 3cm on a map what is the actual length. These are the answers

I think it is B

depends on the scale, which you have neglected to provide.

It is B if the scale is 1cm:50

To determine the actual length between Indianapolis and Bloomington based on the given scale of 3cm on a map, we need to know the scale ratio. This information is generally provided on the map itself.

Let's say that the scale ratio is 1cm on the map represents 50 kilometers in reality. To find the actual length, we can set up a proportion using this scale ratio:

1cm on the map / 50 kilometers in reality = 3cm on the map / x kilometers in reality

Cross-multiplying, we get:

1cm * x kilometers in reality = 3cm * 50 kilometers in reality


x kilometers in reality = (3cm * 50 kilometers in reality) / 1cm

x kilometers in reality = 150 kilometers

Therefore, based on this scale ratio, the actual length between Indianapolis and Bloomington is 150 kilometers. Based on the options you provided, the correct answer would be B.