a parking lot has 66 parking spaces. If there are 16 more compact spaces than regular spaces. How many spaces are there for compact cars?

s + s + 16 = 66

2s = 50

s = 25 regular parking spaces

25 + 16 = 41 compact spaces

Ms Sue's answer is the correct one.

To find the number of spaces for compact cars, we first need to determine the number of regular spaces.

We are given that the parking lot has a total of 66 parking spaces. Let's represent the number of regular spaces as 'x'.

According to the given information, there are 16 more compact spaces than regular spaces. So we can represent the number of compact spaces as 'x + 16'.

The sum of the regular and compact spaces should equal the total number of parking spaces in the parking lot:

x + (x + 16) = 66

Now we can solve this equation to find the value of 'x', which represents the number of regular spaces.

Combining the like terms:
2x + 16 = 66

Subtracting 16 from both sides of the equation:
2x = 66 - 16
2x = 50

Dividing both sides by 2:
x = 25

Therefore, there are 25 regular parking spaces.

To find the number of spaces available for compact cars, we can substitute the value of 'x' back into the expression 'x + 16':
25 + 16 = 41

Hence, there are 41 spaces for compact cars.