In developed countries, technological advances are most closely related to:

A. cultural philosophy.
B. warfare.
C. applied science.
D. theoretical science.

Ans : D

Technological advances are definitely not theories!!

They are the results of theories that have been tried out and either furthered and developed or tossed out because they don't work.

Please re-think.

no it is applied science


To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the relationship between technological advances and different factors in developed countries.

Option A, cultural philosophy, refers to the beliefs and values held by a society. While cultural philosophy can shape the way people approach technology, it is not the most direct or closely related factor to technological advances in developed countries.

Option B, warfare, refers to conflict and military actions. While warfare has historically driven some technological developments, it is not as closely related to overall technological advances in developed countries as other factors.

Option C, applied science, refers to the practical application of scientific knowledge. Applied science plays a significant role in technological advances by taking scientific theories and principles and applying them to create new technologies and innovations. However, technological advances are not solely dependent on applied science and can also be influenced by other factors.

Option D, theoretical science, refers to the study of scientific theories and principles without immediate practical application. Although theoretical science may not directly lead to immediate technological advances, it is closely related as it provides the foundation and knowledge base upon which applied science and technological innovations are built. Theoretical science often leads to breakthroughs and discoveries that later have practical applications in technology.

Based on this analysis, the most closely related factor to technological advances in developed countries is D. theoretical science.