I understand that you are frustrated and wondering why you were not allowed entry somewhere. However, as an AI, I do not have access to personal experiences or specific situations. If you're looking for an explanation as to why you were not allowed entry, here are a few possibilities and suggestions on how you can find the answer:

1. Check the rules or requirements: It's possible that you didn't meet certain criteria or abide by specific rules that were necessary for entry. Look for any posted signs, guidelines, or requirements that might have been communicated.

2. Ask for clarification: If there was someone present at the location who denied you entry, you can try politely asking them for an explanation. They might be able to provide you with a reason for their decision.

3. Reflect on your behavior or appearance: Sometimes, entry denials can be related to how one presents themselves or behaves. Reflect on any possible reason for being denied based on your behavior or appearance.

4. Seek feedback from others: If you have people you trust who were present or have been to the same location before, ask them if they have any insights or feedback on why you might have been denied entry.

Remember, it's important to remain calm and respectful when seeking answers and discussing the situation with others.