A year on Mars is 1.88 Earth years. If you are 13 years old on Earth, how old would you be on Mars?

I don't know if I am supposed to multiply or divide. I also don't understand what the question is trying to state.


Use dimensional analysis with the ratio of Martian years to Earth years.

(1 Martian year / 1.88 Earth years)(13 Earth years) = 6.91 Martian years

The Earth years will cancel out and the remaining unit will be Martian years.

You are basically dividing your age by 1.88.


Don't be baffled by the decimal stuff. Just use easy numbers. If one Mars year were two earth years, birthdays would happen half (1/2) as often.

To find out how old you would be on Mars, you need to understand that a year on Mars is 1.88 Earth years.

To start, calculate your age in Earth years. Since you are 13 years old on Earth, that is your base age.

Next, you need to figure out how many Martian years would have passed when you reach the same number of Earth years. To do this, divide your age in Earth years by the length of a Martian year, which is 1.88 Earth years.

In this case, you would divide 13 by 1.88. This division will give you the approximate number of Martian years that would have passed when you reach 13 Earth years.

So, if we calculate 13 รท 1.88, the result is approximately 6.91 Martian years.

This means that when you are 13 years old on Earth, you would be around 6.91 years old on Mars.

Keep in mind that this is an approximation because Martian years are slightly longer than Earth years.