What single discount is equivalent to two successive discounts of 15% and 10%

100 - {(100-first discount) X (100- second discount)/100}

= 100 - (100-15)X(100-10)/100 = 100 - 85 X 90/100 = 100 - 76.5 = 23.5


To find the equivalent single discount, we use the formula:

Equivalent Single Discount = 100 - [(100 - First Discount) * (100 - Second Discount) / 100]

In this case, the first discount is 15% and the second discount is 10%. Plugging these values into the formula:

Equivalent Single Discount = 100 - [(100 - 15) * (100 - 10) / 100]
= 100 - (85 * 90 / 100)
= 100 - 76.5
= 23.5

Therefore, a single discount of 23.5% is equivalent to two successive discounts of 15% and 10%.