How do I find the simple subject and predicate for these sentences.

There was much interest in Oriental culture.

There were questions (S) about (P)this form of drama.

There is some truth to these stories.

Here is a photograph of him in Tokyo.

Is there a shot of David at a tea ceremony.

The simple subject is the verb. The simple subject is the person or think that is doing the action.

There was much interest in Oriental culture

Simple subject: interest
Simple predicate: was

Note: the introductory words, here and there are not part of the simple subject or simple predicate.

I'll be glad to check your answers for the rest of these sentences.

There were questions about this form of drama.

Sub- questions
Pred- about

There is some truth to these stories.
Sub- truth
Pred- is

Here is a photograph of him in Tokyo.
Sub- photograph
Pred- is

Is there a shot of David at a tea ceremony.
Sub- shot

To find the simple subject and predicate for each of these sentences, we need to break them down into their basic components.

1. Sentence: There was much interest in Oriental culture.
To find the simple subject, ask yourself who or what had interest. The answer is "There." The simple predicate is the verb that describes what the subject is doing. In this case, "was" is the simple predicate.

2. Sentence: There were questions about this form of drama.
The simple subject is "questions," as they are the ones being mentioned. The simple predicate is "were."

3. Sentence: There is some truth to these stories.
The simple subject is "truth." "Is" is the simple predicate.

4. Sentence: Here is a photograph of him in Tokyo.
The simple subject is "photograph," as it is the main thing being referred to. The simple predicate is "is."

5. Sentence: Is there a shot of David at a tea ceremony.
The simple subject is "shot." The simple predicate is "is."

By identifying the subject, which is usually a noun or pronoun, and the predicate, which is the verb or verb phrase, you can determine the simple subject and predicate of a sentence.