Pablo insists that a conclusion should reinforce the thesis statement. Patrice says that the conclusion should follow logically from the introduction. Who is correct?

A. Both Pablo and Patrice are correct.
B. Neither Pablo nor Pam is correct.
C. Only Pam is correct.
D. Only Pablo is correct.


Yes, D.

To determine whether Pablo or Patrice is correct, let's analyze their statements.

Pablo insists that a conclusion should reinforce the thesis statement. This means that the conclusion should provide evidence or arguments that support and strengthen the main claim or argument stated in the thesis statement.

Patrice says that the conclusion should follow logically from the introduction. This means that the conclusion should be a natural continuation or logical outcome based on the information presented in the introduction.

Based on these explanations, it can be concluded that both Pablo and Patrice are correct. A well-written conclusion should reinforce the thesis statement by providing supporting evidence and reasoning, while also logically flowing from the ideas established in the introduction.

Therefore, the correct answer is: A. Both Pablo and Patrice are correct.