Hello! I'm stuck on a Spanish worksheet, I could use a little help.

"Answer the questions below based on the pictures. Use complete Spanish sentences. Each sentence needs to follow the structure: subject pronoun + verb in the present tense.
1. ¿Que hace Paco?"

The picture for #1 is a boy named Paco painting. How do I answer question one "¿Que hace Paco?" correctly?

He is painting

El Esta pintando

Thank you! I have more questions like that one but I think I got it now. I'll be back if I need more help.

Okay, I've got another one similar to the last question.

"¿Que hace Carlos y Sam?
The picture shows two boys Carlos and Sam talking on the phone to each other.

Carlos y Sam están hablándose por teléfono.


¡Hola! I'd be happy to help you with your Spanish worksheet.

To answer the question "¿Qué hace Paco?" correctly, you need to describe what Paco is doing in the picture using a complete Spanish sentence following the subject pronoun + verb in the present tense structure. Since the picture shows Paco painting, you can use the verb "pintar" (to paint) to describe his action.

Here are a few examples of how you can answer the question:

- "Paco pinta." (Paco is painting.)
- "Él pinta." (He is painting.)
- "Mi amigo Paco pinta." (My friend Paco is painting.)

Remember to always include the subject pronoun (such as "Paco," "él," or "mi amigo Paco") followed by the correct form of the verb "pintar" (pinta) to form a complete sentence in Spanish.

I hope this helps you answer the question correctly! Let me know if you have any more questions.